Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Zigging and Zagging

Day: 132
Greens Beach to Lilydale
Time: 4:33
Distance: 68.01 km
Avg Speed: 14.9 kph
Terrain: Rolling

We jumped out of the comfort of our nest this morning. It was difficult to leave a familiar face behind and head off into the unknown. Our goal is to head over to the east coast and roll on south to Hobart. We were trying to get another 40 km further this afternoon, but after riding in the rain for an hour we decided to hole up at the pub in Lilydale. Before you start thinking that we were drinking the afternoon away, you should know that here you can generally rent a room to stay in at the local pub. We rolled our bikes into the overhang by our room and the skies absolutely opened up for a solid hour. We were glad that we grabbed some lodging and didn’t try and press forward.
We both had a wonderful time hanging out and visiting with friends from the valley. It was nice to catch up on the gossip and happenings in the Eagle County. Whether it was sailing, hiking, flying kites, cooking, eating (lots of that), wine tasting, cocktail hour, or just visiting we had a great time being a tourist local.
The riding today wasn’t overly difficult or very busy. It just involved a bit of route finding and map reading. We managed to stay away from the logging trucks and toured charming farm land. Leslie had to cajole me at a rest stop to get moving because I was busy picking blackberries on a bush hanging over a fence row. She had to give it a go as well and we had a little snack of fresh berries along the road.
Tomorrow will be different from what we had planned. We shall see if we can get the show back on schedule since it flew off the first day.
How about those Giants?!?!

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