Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Wild Rose

Ruth Louise McKenzie
November 22, 1917
to May 14, 2008

My grandmother passed away this evening. She was an amazing woman, someone who has had a profound influence on my life. She loved life and everything about it. Her spirit is very much alive in me.
She was a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, and, to me, most importantly, she was my grandma. In her ninety years, she was many things to many people. She was gentle and kind, but always confident. She was spiritual and blessed, but never boastful. She was spontaneous and whimsical, a bright light for those around her.
My grandma was a Colorado girl through and through. She grew up on the plains but her heart was in the mountains. She spent lots of time there on picnics, church retreats and family gatherings. She always seemed a little bit happier in the alpine air.

I feel very lucky to have had so much time with my grandma throughout my life. Looking back, I don’t feel like a missed anything with her. From my earliest years to the last few weeks, I have had some special moments with her. Some of my favorite memories; camping in the backyard in the little red tent, staying with us while my parents went on vacation, Christmas shopping trips downtown, examining books at the Tattered Cover, afternoon tea at the Brown Palace.

When we decided to go on our trip, I was most concerned about her health and the possibility of not seeing her again. It was actually difficult to tell her we were leaving. She didn’t think anything of it – she was the most excited. She had done her share of traveling and had even aspired to “travel the world” with her best friend Roberta after high school. She was very thrilled for us. Despite her failing eyesight, she kept up with our travels with a bright lamp and a magnifying glass. Her thoughts and prayers gave me strength while we were gone on the first part of our journey.

Since we’ve been home I’ve had some cherished time with her. I was able to recount some of our adventures firsthand and read her a special book. Even though she was in a great deal of pain, she listened intently and never complained.
Although I feel a wide range of emotions at this moment, I draw great comfort knowing that she suffers no more. I now see what the universe had in store for us.


JennSean said...

We are both very sorry to hear about your grandmother passing away last week. What a wonderful picture and tribute you have on your page...thank you for allowing the rest of us the pleasure of getting to know more about her.
No worries about not making dinner, we of course completely understand. We will see you again soon enough in June.
Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.
Love Jennie and Sean

Melissa Keathley said...

Hi Lis -
I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. Quite a lady it sounds like. Seems that you two had a lot of common characteristics.
And, I'm sorry for losing touch. I've missed you and you have been in my thoughts regularly.
I have a new phone number. It's 303.525.9581. Please call!
Can't wait to see you!