Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Three Kids, Two Schools and a Minivan Part II

We've managed to survive until almost bedtime. Two-thirds of the group have pajamas on and are in various stages of going to bed. Chris is reading to the 4 year old from a novel about climbing. In the past it's been very successful in putting munchkins to sleep...
The start of the afternoon was a repeat of the morning, only in reverse order. We realized on the way back to pre-school that we had sent the 4 year old with his overnight bag, not his school backpack. Oh well. Nothing was mentioned when we picked him up so we just acted like we knew what we were doing.
We picked the oldest up at school and then headed to lunch and a movie. We only had to go back to the house one time for a forgotten bag. My mom and sister had their doubts about the movie but we thought we'd go for it. After all, how hard could it be? (Ha, ha - we do know how hard it can be) Anyway, we went to the IMAX at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to see The Alps. As most of you know, climbing is our other passion and we try to influence all of our neices and nephews whenever possible. With time running out before the 3pm show started, we managed to park, buy tickets and hit the bathroom before the beginning of the movie. Surprisingly, the movie grabbed the kids' attention right from the get go. Even the 15 month old was doing her best to follow the movement on the giant screen. Not surprisingly, the 4 year old asked the famous question about fifteen minutes into the show - "is it over yet?". I just smiled and gave him the countdown. Much to our amazement we were able to see the entire film. We felt like WE had actually been climbing in the Alps, but were proud to have made it through without any emergency bathroom breaks or being asked to leave.
It was great to spend some quality time with our niece and nephews. We look forward to doing the same with the rest of our nieces in the near future.
Back to the grind (of a bicycling kind),

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